Uses constraint violation javax.annotation
Stefan Seifert June 3, 2019 at 9:10 AM
sounds good!

Stefano Messi May 31, 2019 at 7:17 AM
org.apache.jackrabbit.vault version 3.2.8 will be included in AEM, thanks for your support

Stefano Messi April 12, 2019 at 6:12 PM
thank you very much for the reply, I just opened a ticket to adobe, I'll update you as soon as they answer me
Stefan Seifert April 12, 2019 at 10:44 AM
the difference between AEM 6.4.0 and AEM 6.4.3/6.4.4 in this case seems to be the bundle "Apache Jackrabbit FileVault Core Bundleorg.apache.jackrabbit.vault"
it's contained in AEM 6.4.0 with version 3.1.44, and in 6.5.0 with version 3.2.8.
AEM 6.4.4 has an inofficial version in between.
the problem you describe does not occur in AEM 6.4.0 and it does also not occur in AEM 6.5.0.
but in AEM 6.4.4 i found on the first attempt no solution around this problem - even when updating the mentioned filevault bundle to the latest version as it is in AEM 6.5 AEM 6.4.4 still cannot start as other (non open-source) bundles are affected from the depencency chain problem as well. experimental branch:
in AEM 6.5 its possible to remove the dependency to javax.annotation completely:
but for AEM 6.4.4 this does not work. jersey requires a newer version of javax.annotation than is included in the JDK itself that is available in AEM 6.4.4 and lower OOTB.
i assume adobe hit the same problem and fixed in in AEM 6.5.0. but in AEM 6.4.3 and AEM 6.4.4 we are somewhat stuck here, it seems.
you may open an daycare ticket - i assume the problem is reproducible if you only deploy this bundle into your AEM 6.4.4 instance
and restart it. if this is the case this could be the easiest use case to reproduce the problem for a daycare ticket - and adobe may be able to backport the solution from AEM 6.5.0 to AEM 6.4.0 if required.

I'm trying to use the aem-caravan-jaxrs-sample project (branch develop) on aem 6.4.3
the first installation works correctly, if I restart aem the following error occurs (it also appears with version 6.4.4), the error does not occur on version 6.4.0 (I don't understand what the difference is)
I'm using the local aem jar version with java 8
Can you help me out?
thank you