Reference Provider: Return only cq:Page nodes, handle collection items correctly
Gliffy Diagrams
Stefan Seifert November 6, 2017 at 10:00 PM
implemented in 1.2.2
Fix versions
Affects versions
Created October 20, 2017 at 8:56 AM
Updated November 13, 2017 at 2:58 PM
Resolved November 6, 2017 at 10:00 PM
the reference provider introduced in needs some improvements:
it should not return just any resource as reference, but only AEM pages. if it returns only a resource this may create problems, does not work correctly when deleting this.
finding only a resource may happen if:
the AEM page persistence strategy is not active
a configuration collection is used (this should be fixed with )
"legacy" configuration content exists that was not stored with the AEM page persistence strategy
in case of configuration collection it should not only return the root page (once this is a page, see ), but also the child pages (=collection items)
for the collection items the item name should be added to the reference name
if only a resource is found we should try to get a containing page
different persistence strategies may may use different scopes for defining the page
if we found a containing page we return this as reference
but only if it's not the same page that was activated initially (this may happen if the tools config page persistence strategy is used)
we need unit tests for these different scenarios