How to make your content packages comply with Jackrabbit FileVault Validation

How to make your content packages comply with Jackrabbit FileVault Validation


Since version 1.1.0 the Jackrabbit FileVault Package Maven Plugin validates the package contents against a set of validators that check the consistency and validness of your package content and filter definition.

If your package was created with older versions of the plugin, or migrated from other content package plugins (see also Migrate content package projects from wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin to Jackrabbit filevault-package-maven-plugin) it is likely that your package violates some of theses rules and your build fails.

In most cases the validation errors reported are correct, and you indeed have to some problems in your content package that need to be fixed.

Package Type

An important configuration property of the Jackrabbit FileVault Package Maven Plugin is the packageType. Previous versions of the plugin already required this property, but did only few validations based on it. The documentation of this property lists these types:

  • application: An application package co