Sling-Initial-Content i18n mode "merge"


I don't know if this is the right project to open this ticket, I hope you help me anyway

we are using your archetype (wcm multi-bundle) with the new maven maven-bundle-plugin plugin. Inside Sling-Initial-Content we have mapped the folder with i18n files in json format.

              SLING-INF / app-config; overwrite: = true; ignoreImportProviders: = xml; path: = / apps / acf-web / config,
              SLING-INF / app-root; overwrite: = true; ignoreImportProviders: = xml; path: = / apps / acf-web / core,
              SLING-INF / ErrorHandler; overwrite: = true; ignoreImportProviders: = xml; path: = / apps / sling / servlet / ErrorHandler,
              *SLING-INF / app-i18n; overwrite: = false; overwriteProperties: = false; uninstall: = false; ignoreImportProviders: json =; path: = / apps / acf-web / i18n*,
              SLING-INF / app-mail; overwrite: = true; ignoreImportProviders: json =; path: = / apps / acf-web / email,
              SLING-INF / clientlibs-root; overwrite: = true; ignoreImportProviders: = xml; path: = / etc / clientlibs / acf-web
            </ Sling-Initial-Content>

Is there no way to overwrite the label already present on aem?
Setting overwrite, overwriteProperties and uninstall at false continues to override them.

I tried also to add the filter.xml under META-INF / vault both under the core module and under the "complete" module but without result

<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<workspaceFilter version = "1.0">
  <filter root = "/ apps / acf-web / i18n" mode = "merge" />
</ WorkspaceFilter>

I need this mode to be able to give the freedom to modify the labels from AEM without being overwritten (/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html)

thank you



Stefano Messi August 20, 2019 at 11:32 AM

ticket open:

Stefano Messi August 20, 2019 at 11:29 AM

sorry I wanted to open it under the tools project, I recreate them there








Created August 20, 2019 at 11:10 AM
Updated August 20, 2019 at 3:37 PM
Resolved August 20, 2019 at 3:37 PM