Hello, I don't know if this is the right project to open this ticket, I hope you help me anyway
we are using your archetype (wcm multi-bundle) with the new maven maven-bundle-plugin plugin. Inside Sling-Initial-Content we have mapped the folder with i18n files in json format.
Is there no way to overwrite the label already present on aem? Setting overwrite, overwriteProperties and uninstall at false continues to override them.
I tried also to add the filter.xml under META-INF / vault both under the core module and under the "complete" module but without result
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> <workspaceFilter version = "1.0"> <filter root = "/ apps / acf-web / i18n" mode = "merge" /> </ WorkspaceFilter>
I need this mode to be able to give the freedom to modify the labels from AEM without being overwritten (/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html)
I don't know if this is the right project to open this ticket, I hope you help me anyway
we are using your archetype (wcm multi-bundle) with the new maven maven-bundle-plugin plugin. Inside Sling-Initial-Content we have mapped the folder with i18n files in json format.
Is there no way to overwrite the label already present on aem?
Setting overwrite, overwriteProperties and uninstall at false continues to override them.
I tried also to add the filter.xml under META-INF / vault both under the core module and under the "complete" module but without result
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<workspaceFilter version = "1.0">
<filter root = "/ apps / acf-web / i18n" mode = "merge" />
</ WorkspaceFilter>
I need this mode to be able to give the freedom to modify the labels from AEM without being overwritten (/libs/cq/i18n/translator.html)
thank you