How run-modes are supported for CONGA Environments for AEM Cloud?
Stefan Seifert September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM
you're welcome

Himanshu Singhal September 8, 2021 at 12:30 PM
Thanks for clarifying Sure, I’ll keep the mailing list in mind. This time I didn’t know. That’s all the doubt I had regarding the topic. Please feel free to mark is as “fixed“!
Stefan Seifert September 8, 2021 at 11:14 AM
yes, the concepts of the cloud manager and how deployment works with it put some sort of limitation to the flexibility of CONGA concerning the environments (unless you have multiple AEMaaCS programs, there you could have different environment files for each program - but you might have to license them individually).
for OSGi configurations it's as you describe: within the template generating the OSGi "provisioning" configurations you can apply the run modes within the templates. please be aware that the syntax for multiple run modes is a bit differently, separated by "," (see docs)
and you're right, currently this may lead to duplication of the configuration definitions in the template if you need different actual values e.g. for dev, stage and prod.
keep in mind that adobe has a different concept for applying environment-specific configurations in CM: environment variables. this is also helpful for managing secrets, what we did with ansible vaults and encrypting during build for AEM crypto service, which is also no longer supported in AEMaaCS. the values defined in environments variables can be references in the OSGi configuration:
we currently do not have any tooling in place to manage the values of environment variables in some sort of declarative way manged from a central git repository, it's cumbersome to manage them manually via aio plugins on the command line.
p.s. when you have topics that are more questions then actual issues our mailing list is a good place to start:

I'm bit confused while migrating conga config to AEM cloud. Previously, the structure is in the format,
Now as stated in it should be only 2 files i.e.
But how come run mode specific OSGI config will be picked for it? Do we have to define run mode in template?
If we do so, will end up duplicating the configuration in template?
Previously after defining configs in template, dynamic value used to picked from environment specific files? How will it be picked up from a single cloud.yaml file now?
Or is there any way to define run modes in cloud.yaml file and add config properties value underneath?