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Do not exclude 'cq5dam.thumbnail' from rendition generation


Our customer is using workflows to generate download icons for pdf files using the 'cq5dam.thumbnail'. The center-flag ensures correct sizing of the generated rendition.

Here the german description of how the workflow is created:

Thumbnails für PDFs - Erweiterung DAM Update Asset Workflow

Für PDF-Dateien sollen automatisch Thumbnails im Din A4 Format (Ratio 1:√2 bzw. 111:157) erstellt werden. Diese werden z.B. als Vorschaubild in der Download-Kategorie der Vitoinfo-App angezeigt.

Daher muss http://<host:port>/etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset.html ein neuer Workflow-Step "Create Thumbnail" (nach dem Workflow Step Thumbnail Creation) mit folgenden Werten eingefügt werden:

Title: PDF Thumbnail creation with Ratio 157 : 111
Description This process will create a thumbnails for pdfs (din a4 format)
Thumbnails: 111:157:true
Skip Mime Types: skip:image/(.) und skip:video/(.)

Gliffy Diagrams



Stefan Seifert September 4, 2015 at 8:56 PM

rev. d52656b92746b5416e116c932658cb5d58da47f8

there is a new method MediaArgs.includeAssetThumbnails(true), thumbnails are included in the resolving process.

you can give it a try with io.wcm.handler.media 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT

Stefan Seifert September 4, 2015 at 8:33 PM

it's not a bug, it's a feature. by default the auto-generated should not be included in media handling process, because normally this is not what is intended.
for backward compatibility and for not slowing down media resolving process by checking normally unnecessary renditions we'll add a new MediaArgs parameter, which optionally allows including the thumbnails in the media resolving process.






Affects versions


Created September 4, 2015 at 9:38 AM
Updated September 9, 2015 at 8:58 AM
Resolved September 4, 2015 at 8:56 PM