Galenium "runmode=remote" using Browserstack
apegamMay 24, 2020 at 1:54 PM
About the BUP:
You can set your own proxy by putting it into Galenium context with key “galenium.proxy.browser”
start it with the port you need
Galenium will pick it up and use it if you set it early enough in the lifecycle
apegamMay 24, 2020 at 1:45 PM
I created a branch in the examples repo:
To run example test on Browserstack do the following:
in replace user and token with your credentials
on command line run tests/
report should be in tests/target/galenium-reports/extentreports/extentGalen.html
Simple test across two Chrome resolutions with screenshot.
Adrian StoicaMay 19, 2020 at 3:33 PM
thank you.
Also regarding the browsermob configuration: I can see that at every startup, it spawns on a random port locally. Can this be configured to be bound only to a fixed port?
apegamMay 19, 2020 at 11:56 AM
I’ll see if I can look into the working example suggestion tomorrow.
Adrian StoicaMay 18, 2020 at 3:28 PM
Any updates please?
I'm not sure if I picked the right category for this issues (there is no Galenium Project available).
Basically I would need to run Galenium using:
However, when setting the following property in one of my configuration files:
addDef ""
I'm getting Caused by: Unable to parse URL: https://[]:4444/wd/hub/session
By analyzing the code in io/wcm/qa/glnm/webdriver/, I can see that it automatically adds the https, port and /wd/hub in case the are null or missing.
I would need to configure the URL as above, so what would be the best way to achieve this ?
LE: documentation link: