Parsys: property wcmio:parsysParagraphCss not working in authoring mode


I've created a parsys with following configuration:

Steps to reproduce

Adding a new child component to parsys

When I add a new item to the parsys (drag'n'drop from sidekick or per "plus" icon), the item does not become the CSS class as defined in wcmioarsysParagraphCss.
After refreshing the whole page, the item has now correctly set wcmioarsysParagraphCss.

Editing a child component

When I edit any component's properties of an item where the CSS class (as defined in wcmioarsysParagraphCss) is correctly set and the item becomes dynamically reloaded, then the CSS class defined in wcmioarsysParagraphCss is also missing again.
After refreshing the whole page, every item has the CSS class again.

Expected behaviour

CSS class defined in wcmioarsysParagraphCss should always be set at item's wrapper element.

Gliffy Diagrams



Matthias Hauch May 31, 2017 at 8:56 AM

Additional Information
Plattform: AEM 6.2
Parsys: 1.0.0

Matthias Hauch May 31, 2017 at 8:52 AM

a better solution is to define the the element name and css name in the component definition of the child component itself - example:

yes, that workaround helps in my case. thanks

Stefan Seifert May 30, 2017 at 2:05 PM

there is no easy solution for this.

a workaround is to additionally force a refresh of the parent (the parsys) whenever a paragraph component is inserted or edited, e.g. add this to the paragraph component definition:

but this is more a hack. please not that the child component must not define a "afteredit" event it self, or this overrides the event defined in the parsys for it's children.

a better solution is to define the the element name and css name in the component definition of the child component itself - example:

this then of course is always applied to the component, not only when it's inserted in the parsys.

i've updated the documentation of the parsys to reflect this limitation:

Stefan Seifert May 30, 2017 at 1:25 PM

this problem does not only affect wcmioarsysParagraphCss, but also the wcmioarsysParagraphElement property. this also gets only active after refreshing the page.

and this also happens when editing the child component int the parsys, not only when inserting a new component.

Stefan Seifert May 30, 2017 at 1:08 PM

i created a branch of the sample app to reproduce this problem:

steps to reproduce:

  1. open http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/wcm-io-samples/en/conference.html

  2. add a new link item to the link list in the "Call for Papers" teaser on the right side

expected: new link list item should show a green background
actual: background is transparent

when refreshing the page manually the background is displayed correctly.

Won't Fix






Created May 17, 2017 at 7:04 AM
Updated May 31, 2017 at 8:56 AM
Resolved May 30, 2017 at 2:05 PM