- Reference Provider: Nicer reference names in publication wizardWCON-46Resolved issue: WCON-46
- Reference Provider: Return only cq:Page nodes, handle collection items correctlyWCON-45Resolved issue: WCON-45
- AEM Page Persistence Strategy: Use Page for configuration collection root resourceWCON-44Resolved issue: WCON-44
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currently, the reference provider uses the configuration label from the configuration metadata (with fallback to it's name) for the references that are displayed in the page publication wizard.
this is ok if there is only one configuration - once there are multiple in an inheritance hierarchy it becomes difficult to get which configuration will be activated. added the full path to the reference name is problematic as well because the wizard dialog is too small to display it properly.
a better solution might by:
display the configuration laben/name and additionally a config path fragment
the following parts are stripped from the path to build the fragment:
configuration name and sub paths
the "common base path" of all references found
this is only a rough idea but might leave the necessary information which is important to the editor additional to the configuration label. nested configurations need special attention, but normally the should not occur in the references but only the containing page (once • is fixed).