- The MockAemAdapterFactory doesn't correctly adapt a Resource to a ContentFragmentWTES-75
- Unable to read input filestream when using content loader to mount folderFileVaultXML featureWTES-74Resolved issue: WTES-74Stefan Seifert
- Support Granite Asset APIWTES-73
- ctx.load().json parse exception when moving from 4.1.0 to 4.1.2WTES-72
- Add support for Apache Sling Models Impl >= 1.5.0WTES-71
- Exclude "sl4fj-simple" from transitive dependencies of aem-mock.coreWTES-70Resolved issue: WTES-70
- AEM Mocks Build fail sporadically with "Unable to inject mandatory reference" errorWTES-69Resolved issue: WTES-69Stefan Seifert
- Expose direct access to MockExternalizer object used by AemContextImplWTES-68
- Test case failing while replacing uber-jar dependency to cloudWTES-66Resolved issue: WTES-66
- Can't test a Sling Model which is Adaptable from ContentPolicy due to different MockContentPolicy adaptTo behaviourWTES-65Resolved issue: WTES-65Stefan Seifert
- Implement mocks for CF#getTemplate, CF#getLastModifiedDate and CF#getLastModifiedDeepWTES-63
- AemContextBuilder#afterSetUp() doesn't work for nested testsWTES-62Resolved issue: WTES-62Stefan Seifert
- Unable to initialize JCR_OAK - Junit5WTES-61Resolved issue: WTES-61
- Junit5 throwing error when I use ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAKWTES-60
- MockTemplate doesn't use jcr:content to read propsWTES-59
- Some kind of way to spy on registered mocks?WTES-58Resolved issue: WTES-58
- AEM Mocks Core Maven Build failsWTES-57Resolved issue: WTES-57
- MockComponent `getResourcetype()` method returns incorrect valueWTES-56Resolved issue: WTES-56Stefan Seifert
- Generating OSGi SCR metadata with bnd-maven-pluginWTES-55Resolved issue: WTES-55
- nullpointer exception, when we call modelFactory.exportModelForResourceWTES-54Resolved issue: WTES-54
- MockAssetManager#createaAsset(<path>,<inputstream>,<mimeType>, false) commits changesWTES-52Resolved issue: WTES-52Stefan Seifert
- ReplicationStatus should be supported in AEM mocksWTES-51
- Include in global parents, for easier unit testingWTES-50Resolved issue: WTES-50Stefan Seifert
- Incorrect resourcePage provided in mocked model using a wrapped resource from another pageWTES-49Resolved issue: WTES-49Stefan Seifert
- MockAsset.removeRendition can throw NPEWTES-48Resolved issue: WTES-48Stefan Seifert
- Implement MockComponentContext: isRoot(), getRoot() and getParent()WTES-47Resolved issue: WTES-47Stefan Seifert
- Sling Adapters cache overly eagerWTES-46
- Junit5 AEM Mocks throws NPE due to PageManager being nullWTES-45Resolved issue: WTES-45
- Calling isResourceType() on a resource throws ExceptionWTES-44Resolved issue: WTES-44Stefan Seifert
- Out of memory: Java heap space and very slow test executionWTES-43
- @BeforeAll supportWTES-42Resolved issue: WTES-42Stefan Seifert
- Support for Sling Models Via TypesWTES-41Resolved issue: WTES-41
- AEMContext not able to adapt to correct implementation class based on the models annotation resourceType propertyWTES-40Resolved issue: WTES-40
- MockAssetManager.create() cannot handle null inputstreamWTES-39Resolved issue: WTES-39Stefan Seifert
- PageManager is null in AemContext AEM mocksWTES-38
- Incompatible Version of commons-imagingWTES-37
- MockTag.getLocalizedTitle(Locale) and MockTag.getTitle(Locale) do not return valid valueWTES-36Resolved issue: WTES-36Stefan Seifert
- Cannot register service with ModelFactory reference in AemContextWTES-35Resolved issue: WTES-35Stefan Seifert
- aem-mock: Dynamically resolve AEM-specific objects as SlingBindings propertiesWTES-34Resolved issue: WTES-34Stefan Seifert
- MockAsset#getID() always return empty stringWTES-33Resolved issue: WTES-33
- MockAsset method getID() should have concrete implementationWTES-32Resolved issue: WTES-32Stefan Seifert
- Include ExperienceFragmentsAdapaterFactory by default in aemContextWTES-31
- Implement Touch functionaility in MockPageManagerWTES-27Resolved issue: WTES-27
- When inside a Launch Page.getAbsoluteParent() behavior does not match actual AEM behavior.WTES-26Resolved issue: WTES-26
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: issue: WTES-25
- Support Asset#setBatchMode(boolean)WTES-24Resolved issue: WTES-24
- Page creation fails when using a template loaded from JSON (JCR_OAK)WTES-23Resolved issue: WTES-23
- Add MockAssetManager implementing createAsset()WTES-22Resolved issue: WTES-22
- Support creating pages with blank names in MockPageManagerWTES-21Resolved issue: WTES-21
- MockAsset.getRenditions returns ImmutableListWTES-20Resolved issue: WTES-20
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