- Editor.html wrapping CAC Editor page from version 1.9 onWCON-91
- CA Config Editor page for global folderWCON-81
- Allow to remove a CACWCON-73
- Allow scheduled activation of CACsWCON-70
- Leverage extensions custompathstrategy in sample-appWCON-50
- Allow to define a multifield pathbrowserWCON-41
- Rich text area property with richt text editor in modal popupWCON-32
- Possibilty to use i18n translations in ConfigurationWCON-7
8 of 8
Using the version `1.7.0` the CAC Editor page opens using the url without the `/editor.html`, which makes the page to be ready for edition (therefore the bar with the `Edit`|`Preview` buttons does not appear).
After update to the version `1.9.0` i realized that, when you edit the CAC page (which would open the CAC Editor), the editor opens with the `/editor.html` in the url, which makes the page not ready for edition (you can't click or select any configuration). For that you have to switch to the `Preview` mode in the editor bar that now appears.
Should this be the normal behavior or it's a bug?
In case of a normal behavior, is there a way to open the CAC Editor page straight to the `Preview` mode (either a OSGi config or still open without the `/editor.html` in the url)?