Create FileVault Packages with Content Package Maven Plugin
Gliffy Diagrams
Stefan Seifert May 26, 2017 at 10:17 AM
i've added support for #2 (builtContentDirectory) and #3 (filters), which should behave more or less the same as the adobe plugin.
please cross-check, i plan to cut a release on monday.
Stefan Seifert May 18, 2017 at 7:52 PM
Yes, the adobe plugin does include META-INF to /jcr_root when the build output directory is used.
looked at a package build with the adobe plugin - it includes:
META-INF/vault - which contains the package metadata
META-INF/maven/<artifactId>/pom.*, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - same files as every jar, useful information with which pom the package was built.
which META-INF information do you want to avoid?
Andreas Schaefer May 18, 2017 at 7:12 PM
Yes, the adobe plugin does include META-INF to /jcr_root when the build output directory is used.
I will have a look into this later this week but I think that for sack of clarity and simplicity we should not use that parameter. Anyone that using buildContentDirectory can easily adjust this by adding a </resource> entry to the POM declaring what files are copied into the workDirectory.
Stefan Seifert May 18, 2017 at 10:00 AM
thanks, i did some cleanup on the code and merged it with develop.
i still think supporting builtContentDirectory
is important - the usage of the parameters builtContentDirectory and workDirectory should be the same as for the adobe plugin, again to be used as drop-in replacement. do you observe the same problems like accidentally including META-INF when using the adobe plugin? i will have a look into it as well. for now i've commented the parameter out because it is not supported.
Andreas Schaefer May 17, 2017 at 4:36 PM
Fixed point 1) and 4)
For now I would like to postpone 3) to get the Content Packager released.
Using the Build Output Folder as the source of the package content seems to be the wrong thing for me as it can lead to including META-INF folder into the jcr_root folder. It might be ignored but it is still in the package.