- Create aem-dependencies issue: WTOOL-98Stefan Seifert
- aem-dependencies: Include jaxb dependency that matches the Jaxb in AEM?WTOOL-97Resolved issue: WTOOL-97Stefan Seifert
- content-package-maven-plugin should skip unpacking content that is not included in package filterWTOOL-96Resolved issue: WTOOL-96
- [Archetype] ACS Commons 5.3.0 bundle is missing in CONGA roleWTOOL-95Resolved issue: WTOOL-95Stefan Seifert
- Frontend build: babel-preset-env is oldWTOOL-94Resolved issue: WTOOL-94Stefan Seifert
- Use newest micro version of OSGi artifactsWTOOL-93
- Dependencies in start level 20 but no bundle is exporting these for that start levelWTOOL-92
- Unable to invoke method 'bindAdapterFactory' for class issue: WTOOL-91
- Update aem-global-parent and/or aem-dependencies to use servlet annotations 1.2.6WTOOL-90Resolved issue: WTOOL-90
- By default the nodejs-maven-plugin should use the npm version bundled with the nodejs version usedWTOOL-89Resolved issue: WTOOL-89Stefan Seifert
- nodejs-maven-plugin has stopped working with Node.js 10.xWTOOL-88Resolved issue: WTOOL-88Stefan Seifert
- wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin goal download should not require a local packageWTOOL-87Resolved issue: WTOOL-87Stefan Seifert
- aem-global-parent 1.15.12 makes building of content packages with sling:OsgiConfig failWTOOL-86Resolved issue: WTOOL-86Stefan Seifert
- Add OSGi versions of HTTPComponents to aem-dependencies as wellWTOOL-85Resolved issue: WTOOL-85Stefan Seifert
- Manage Handlebars DependencyWTOOL-84Resolved issue: WTOOL-84Stefan Seifert
- Manage dependencies provided by Sling Commons LogWTOOL-83Resolved issue: WTOOL-83
- Manage dependency version of issue: WTOOL-82
- Make MockTag#getXPathSearchExpression return a valid XPath in case of referencing sub-node propertiesWTOOL-81Resolved issue: WTOOL-81Stefan Seifert
- Add newer/more JSTL dependenciesWTOOL-80Resolved issue: WTOOL-80Stefan Seifert
- wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin should fail if bundles are not up & running after 360 secWTOOL-79
- Site Build fails with Maven 3.8.2 on javadoc generation - error: package xyz does not existWTOOL-78Resolved issue: WTOOL-78Stefan Seifert
- AEM Dependencies: Update to 1.2.6WTOOL-77Resolved issue: WTOOL-77Stefan Seifert
- Declare individual OSGi dependency for URL HandlerWTOOL-76Resolved issue: WTOOL-76
- Invalid resourceSuperType for "Content Fragment List" component in wcm-io-maven-archetype-aemWTOOL-75Resolved issue: WTOOL-75Stefan Seifert
- Introduce OWASP Dependency Check using dependency-check-maven pluginWTOOL-74Resolved issue: WTOOL-74
- aem-dependencies for 6.5.8 lists the wrong version for commons-ioWTOOL-73Resolved issue: WTOOL-73Stefan Seifert
- Authoring Client Libraries in Sling-Initial-Content do not work in AEMaaCS deploymentWTOOL-72Resolved issue: WTOOL-72Stefan Seifert
- Huge output dump from AEM pkgmgr API impacts performance of the wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin pluginWTOOL-71Resolved issue: WTOOL-71Stefan Seifert
- is defined as compile dependency - should be defined as scope=provided (or without scope)WTOOL-70Resolved issue: WTOOL-70Stefan Seifert
- Add to aem-dependenciesWTOOL-69Resolved issue: WTOOL-69Stefan Seifert
- All managed dependencies in wcm-io-tooling-aem-cloud-dependencies should have scope "provided"WTOOL-68Resolved issue: WTOOL-68
- Error in creating a new AEM Project with mavenWTOOL-67Resolved issue: WTOOL-67
- Clarify release cycle in readme and allow to override aem-sdk-api versionWTOOL-66Resolved issue: WTOOL-66Stefan Seifert
- Manage also individual spec OSGi dependencies in AEM Cloud Service DependenciesWTOOL-65Resolved issue: WTOOL-65Stefan Seifert
- Reference aem-sdk-api with scope "import"WTOOL-64Resolved issue: WTOOL-64
- Consider replacing jgitflow-maven-plugin with gitflow-maven-pluginWTOOL-63Resolved issue: WTOOL-63Stefan Seifert
- wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin is using the vault user for checking OSGi bundle statusWTOOL-62Resolved issue: WTOOL-62Stefan Seifert
- Maven global archetype: Differentiate between the user to deploy packages and the user to deploy bundlesWTOOL-61Resolved issue: WTOOL-61Stefan Seifert
- Please include in aem-dependenciesWTOOL-60Resolved issue: WTOOL-60
- Include javax.servlet jstl in aem-dependenciesWTOOL-59Resolved issue: WTOOL-59Stefan Seifert
- Please release AEM-Dependencies 6.4.8WTOOL-58Resolved issue: WTOOL-58
- Content Package Post Processor does not support namespace "granite"WTOOL-56Resolved issue: WTOOL-56Stefan Seifert
- maven io.wcm.maven.aem-dependencies 6.4.6WTOOL-55Resolved issue: WTOOL-55Stefan Seifert
- bundleStatusWhitelistBundleNames is missing 2 more bundles: WebDAV & DavExWTOOL-54Resolved issue: WTOOL-54Stefan Seifert
- Sling-Initial-Content i18n mode "merge"WTOOL-53
- Content Package Maven Plugin: Allow whitelisting(/blacklisting?) of bundles for bundleStatusURLWTOOL-52Resolved issue: WTOOL-52Stefan Seifert
- Archetype should support building and deploying bundle onlyWTOOL-51Resolved issue: WTOOL-51Stefan Seifert
- parent wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin download: Add extra excludeMixins for dam:Thumbnails & mix:lockableWTOOL-50
- nodejs-maven-plugin bundles npm 1.4.9 that seems to ignore npm install's --prefix directoryWTOOL-49Resolved issue: WTOOL-49Stefan Seifert
- Restructure /apps folders of the archetype generated projectsWTOOL-48Resolved issue: WTOOL-48Stefan Seifert
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