- aem-dependencies: Include jaxb dependency that matches the Jaxb in AEM?WTOOL-97Resolved issue: WTOOL-97Stefan Seifert
- wcmio-content-package-maven-plugin is using the vault user for checking OSGi bundle statusWTOOL-62Resolved issue: WTOOL-62Stefan Seifert
- Maven global archetype: Differentiate between the user to deploy packages and the user to deploy bundlesWTOOL-61Resolved issue: WTOOL-61Stefan Seifert
- Download goal should also process XML documents other than .content.xmlWTOOL-40Resolved issue: WTOOL-40Stefan Seifert
- maven-javadoc-plugin fails when using jaxws-maven-pluginWTOOL-33Resolved issue: WTOOL-33
- Changes to crx-packmgr-helper is causing the build to fail due to Baseline checkWTOOL-30Resolved issue: WTOOL-30
- Support Sling / Composum Content Package InstallWTOOL-29Resolved issue: WTOOL-29
- Sling-Initial-Content i18n mode "merge"WCARAV-12Resolved issue: WCARAV-12
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