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wcm.io caconfig editor - Angular Library 1.8.2 end-of-life


We are using io.wc.caconfig.editor 1.7 version and we noticed that this version is usign Angular Js 1.6.9 and we were told by security team to upgrade this to latest version to remove security vulnerability . We checked latest releases and found out that there is 1.15.0 released as of Dec 05 and it is using Angular JS 1.8.2 . We can see that Angular 1.8.2 addressed couple of Vulnerabilities but still there is one vulnerability exists. Angular JS 1.x is officially endeded as of Jan 2022 so i believe there is not update to Angular JS version beyond 1.8.2 . My question is that is there any plan for io.wcm.config.editor will be released with new Angular framework 2.





Created December 13, 2022 at 6:32 PM
Updated December 15, 2022 at 10:37 AM



Stefan SeifertDecember 15, 2022 at 10:31 AM

thanks for reaching out!

we are aware of the end-of-life of AngularJS - but unfortunately there is no easy upgrade path. Angular 2.x is by no means a drop-in replacement, a full rewrite of the client-side code of the caconfig editor would be required (and if we are doing this, we probably would switch to react or vue instead of Angular). furthermore, such a rewrite is fiddly due to the dual-use of JS framework and Adobe CoralUI JS components which do not always co-exist nicely.

so, to sum up, currently there are no plans to update and we have to stick with angularjs 1.8.2. however, it’s an OSS project and contributions are welcome!