- caconfig editor - Angular Library 1.8.2 end-of-lifeWCON-92
- Editor.html wrapping CAC Editor page from version 1.9 onWCON-91
- Feature request: provide a way to allow tags to be selected in a config (instead of as paths)WCON-90Resolved issue: WCON-90Stefan Seifert
- AEMaaCS: it is not possible to publish CA configs to the Preview EnvironmentWCON-89Resolved issue: WCON-89Stefan Seifert
- Changed property in Config java file, now breaks on UIWCON-88
- Multiple jcr:content in the caconfig under /confWCON-87Resolved issue: WCON-87Stefan Seifert
- Lower loglevel for warning in ToolsConfigPagePersistenceStrategyWCON-86Resolved issue: WCON-86Stefan Seifert
- When page is renamed/move the references are not updatedWCON-85Resolved issue: WCON-85
- CA Config Editor embeds vulnerable angular librariesWCON-84Resolved issue: WCON-84
- CA Config Editor: Use pathfield instead of pathbrowserWCON-83Resolved issue: WCON-83Stefan Seifert
- AEMaaCS: Error logged due to usage of contentloader with CompositeNodeStoreWCON-82Resolved issue: WCON-82
- CA Config Editor page for global folderWCON-81
- CA Config Editor doesnt take in account the contextPathWCON-80Resolved issue: WCON-80Stefan Seifert
- CAConfig Editor not working in AEMaaCSWCON-78Resolved issue: WCON-78Stefan Seifert
- Cannot edit Item after adding if we run into Item Lazy loadingWCON-77Resolved issue: WCON-77Stefan Seifert
- API suggests a text area widget is availableWCON-76Resolved issue: WCON-76
- AEM implementation of ConfigurationInjectResourceDetectionStrategyWCON-75Resolved issue: WCON-75Stefan Seifert
- CAConfig Editor: Local Storage Caching prevents displaying new parameters correctlyWCON-74Resolved issue: WCON-74Stefan Seifert
- Allow to remove a CACWCON-73
- Migrate front-end editor components to CoralUI 3 and remove dependency on CoralUI 2WCON-72Resolved issue: WCON-72
- Configuration Editor: Validate decimal separator for double paramsWCON-71Resolved issue: WCON-71Stefan Seifert
- Allow scheduled activation of CACsWCON-70
- Allow to publish individual CAC entriesWCON-69Resolved issue: WCON-69
- Visual indication of configuration inheritance state in overview (was: Make Configuration Copy Optional while creating a CAC Page)WCON-68Resolved issue: WCON-68
- Configuration Editor Header Bar looks broken in AEM 6.4 SP3 and AEM 6.5WCON-67Resolved issue: WCON-67
- Unable to clear inherited propertyWCON-66Resolved issue: WCON-66
- Editor binds click actions of first item in collection to every itemWCON-65Resolved issue: WCON-65
- Multiple editor reloads on a collection configuration breaks the editorWCON-64Resolved issue: WCON-64
- Multiple jcr:content in the PagePersistenceStrategyWCON-63Resolved issue: WCON-63Stefan Seifert
- Allow to replicate the configuration from the editorWCON-62Resolved issue: WCON-62
- Allow reordering of Configuration Lists (also nested ones)WCON-61David Ding
- Collections of Collections break the editorWCON-60Resolved issue: WCON-60
- Allow unlimited configuration of the AbsoluteParentContextPathStrategyWCON-59Resolved issue: WCON-59Stefan Seifert
- AEM Page Persistence Strategy: delete configurations if configuration editor is removedWCON-58Resolved issue: WCON-58
- Configuration Editor does not replicate current paggeWCON-57Resolved issue: WCON-57Stefan Seifert
- add a resourcetype to pages created by PagePersistenceStrategyWCON-56Resolved issue: WCON-56Stefan Seifert
- wrong coordinates to Configuration editorWCON-55Resolved issue: WCON-55
- ConfigSampleSub[] can't be found in ConfigSampleNestedWCON-54Resolved issue: WCON-54Stefan Seifert
- Missing title in "Published References" dialogWCON-53
- Editor pages should not open on publish and should set hideInNav=true by defaultWCON-52Resolved issue: WCON-52Stefan Seifert
- Extend custom ContextPathStrategy to allow a CAC editor page outside the main content treeWCON-51Resolved issue: WCON-51Stefan Seifert
- Leverage extensions custompathstrategy in sample-appWCON-50
- Extensions: Support versioned page in side-by-side viewWCON-49Resolved issue: WCON-49Stefan Seifert
- CAConfig Editor: Add "dropdown list" widgetWCON-48Resolved issue: WCON-48
- CAConfig Editor: Ship with own AngularJS versionWCON-47Resolved issue: WCON-47
- Reference Provider: Nicer reference names in publication wizardWCON-46Resolved issue: WCON-46
- Reference Provider: Return only cq:Page nodes, handle collection items correctlyWCON-45Resolved issue: WCON-45
- AEM Page Persistence Strategy: Use Page for configuration collection root resourceWCON-44Resolved issue: WCON-44
- AEM Page Persistence Strategy: use PageManager API to delete configuration pagesWCON-43Resolved issue: WCON-43
- Context-Aware Configuration Referencer ProviderWCON-42Resolved issue: WCON-42 caconfig editor - Angular Library 1.8.2 end-of-life
Stefan SeifertDecember 15, 2022 at 10:31 AMEdited
thanks for reaching out!
we are aware of the end-of-life of AngularJS - but unfortunately there is no easy upgrade path. Angular 2.x is by no means a drop-in replacement, a full rewrite of the client-side code of the caconfig editor would be required (and if we are doing this, we probably would switch to react or vue instead of Angular). furthermore, such a rewrite is fiddly due to the dual-use of JS framework and Adobe CoralUI JS components which do not always co-exist nicely.
so, to sum up, currently there are no plans to update and we have to stick with angularjs 1.8.2. however, it’s an OSS project and contributions are welcome!
We are using io.wc.caconfig.editor 1.7 version and we noticed that this version is usign Angular Js 1.6.9 and we were told by security team to upgrade this to latest version to remove security vulnerability . We checked latest releases and found out that there is 1.15.0 released as of Dec 05 and it is using Angular JS 1.8.2 . We can see that Angular 1.8.2 addressed couple of Vulnerabilities but still there is one vulnerability exists. Angular JS 1.x is officially endeded as of Jan 2022 so i believe there is not update to Angular JS version beyond 1.8.2 . My question is that is there any plan for io.wcm.config.editor will be released with new Angular framework 2.